Do you want to improve your pickleball game? Perhaps you're new to the sport and want tips on playing well and avoiding injury. To people who haven’t played the game, pickleball sounds like a silly...
Health Tips
Staying Healthy and Pain Free During Self-Isolation
The good old days…, strolling down your driveway to wave at a neighbor and perhaps share in some gossip, meeting your friends at the local sushi restaurant for a bite to eat… we miss that, don’t we?...
Injections: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Remember how you used to be terrified of needles as a child? How thinking about the glinting needles probably helped you forget you were sick at all? Yes, we all know that feeling and remember it...
6 Tips for Working from Home
If your desk area consists of a sofa cushion, and low coffee table, then we’re taking a stab in the dark and guessing you’ve converted your living room into an office. And while that’s all fun and...
Stress: Physical Symptoms and Solutions
Stress. Six little letters is all it takes to make a word so full of meaning that few of us really know how to get to the bottom of it. Stress: is it that feeling you get when a deadline is looming,...
Improving Posture with Daily Habits
Have you ever wondered why your neck always hurts? What about why there is that nagging discomfort in your upper and lower back? How about the nagging pain in your shoulders, hips, or even feet?...
Stability: A Balancing Act
Winter is here! Most of us have stocked up on firewood, cocoa, marshmallows, and blankets as we lay in wait for all the cold weather. We’ve even turned up the heating and removed grandma’s special...
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