Do you ever feel as though you’re caught in a never-ending cycle of pain and tension? Maybe your muscles are tight and knotted, or there’s tenderness throughout your body. In these situations,...
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Injections: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Remember how you used to be terrified of needles as a child? How thinking about the glinting needles probably helped you forget you were sick at all? Yes, we all know that feeling and remember it...
6 Tips for Working from Home
If your desk area consists of a sofa cushion, and low coffee table, then we’re taking a stab in the dark and guessing you’ve converted your living room into an office. And while that’s all fun and...
Stress: Physical Symptoms and Solutions
Stress. Six little letters is all it takes to make a word so full of meaning that few of us really know how to get to the bottom of it. Stress: is it that feeling you get when a deadline is looming,...
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