Does Exercise Help Fibromyalgia? 4 Exercises You Should Know

Does Exercise Help Fibromyalgia? 4 Exercises You Should Know

November 21, 2023

Is Fibromyalgia or chronic pain leaving you stressed about the holidays?

For many, Thanksgiving is a season draped in the warmth of family gatherings, the joy of hearty laughter, and the comfort of shared stories around a table full of our favorite foods.

Yet, for those quietly suffering from the persistent ache of fibromyalgia, the holidays can be overshadowed by pain.

The unspoken truth?

The sparkle of holiday festivities dims under the cloud of chronic pain.

The good news?

You are capable of making a change.

In this blog, you will explore Fibromyalgia and delve into the 4 key exercises that can ease your chronic pain in time for the holidays.

Let’s get going.

Understanding Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a common source of pain, often misunderstood, sometimes invisible, yet overwhelmingly present in the lives of those it touches.

Characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, it weaves through one’s life with a host of symptoms like fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues.

It’s not just about sore muscles and joints; it’s about how these pains impact everything from sleep to mood.

While we don’t have all the answers on why it happens, we know one thing: It’s not a dead-end.

There are ways to reclaim control from fibromyalgia’s grip, and it starts with understanding how to manage it, not just endure it.

Let’s explore those exercises, shall we?

4 Exercises That Can Help With Fibromyalgia

Gentle Stretching

How It Helps:

Gentle stretching is essential for managing fibromyalgia as it helps to ease muscle tension and tightness that are characteristic of the condition.

Regular gentle stretching can lead to improved flexibility, better circulation, and a decrease in the intensity of pain experienced.

How to Do It:

  • Begin with light warming activities, such as a warm bath or a heated blanket, to relax the muscles.
  • Engage in stretching exercises that target all the major muscle groups. Move into each stretch slowly and hold it for about 20-30 seconds without bouncing.
  • Focus on maintaining a smooth and steady breath to help deepen the stretch and enhance relaxation.
  • Conclude with a cool-down period to gently bring your body back to a resting state.

Water Aerobics

How It Helps:

Water aerobics provides a supportive environment that can be beneficial for those with fibromyalgia.

The water’s buoyancy reduces the impact on joints, lessening pain and discomfort, while the resistance of the water helps to strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular health.

How To Do It:

  • Join a class or follow a routine that includes gentle aerobic movements performed in water, ideally at a chest or waist-deep level.
  • Incorporate exercises that use the water’s resistance to gently work different muscle groups, such as leg kicks, arm reaches, and core stabilizers.
  • Utilize water weights or noodles for added resistance as your strength improves, ensuring that you maintain a level of exercise that is comfortable for you.

Myofascial Release

How It Helps:

Myofascial release is a hands-on technique often used to help manage pain in fibromyalgia.

It involves applying gentle, sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue to reduce pain and restore motion.

How To Do it:

  • This technique is typically performed by a skilled therapist who will apply pressure to the myofascial tissue.
  • The therapist may use tools or their hands to slowly stretch and release the tightness in the fascia.
  • Patients can also learn self-myofascial release techniques using foam rollers or massage balls to work on specific areas of the body.

Therapeutic Yoga

How It Helps:

Therapeutic yoga is tailored to the needs of individuals with health challenges like fibromyalgia.

It helps reduce stress, increase flexibility, improve strength and balance, and enhance overall well-being through a combination of postures, breath work, and meditation.

How to Do It:

  • Choose styles of yoga that are restorative or designed for those with medical conditions, ensuring they focus on gentle poses.
  • Utilize props, such as blocks, straps, and bolsters, to modify poses and provide support to the body.
  • Focus on breathing deeply and evenly throughout the session to promote relaxation and pain relief.
  • Include mindfulness or meditation practices to help address the emotional and psychological aspects of chronic pain.

Each of these activities should be approached with self-compassion and patience. It’s important to listen to one’s body and respect its limits, using these methods to support a journey towards better health and pain management in fibromyalgia.

Don’t Let Fibromyalgia Dim Your Holidays

If the touch of fibromyalgia has changed how you experience the world, remember, your journey towards a brighter, less painful day can start now.

At our clinic, we believe in a holistic approach to health—one that listens to the whispers of your body and gently nudges it toward healing.

As our thanks to you, in November we are inviting you to a FREE 1-hour Total Body Evaluation – Worth $350!

This unique opportunity is more than just a session; it’s a potential turning point in your life.
Imagine a life where each step isn’t shadowed by discomfort.

Whether you’ve been living with fibromyalgia for years or have only recently begun to feel its effects, it’s never too late to seek change.

To book your assessment, give us a call at (941) 226-2605.

Don’t wait for a sign—the relief you seek could be a phone call away.

If you’re not quite ready to step into the clinic, you can arrange a free, no-obligation telephone consultation to speak to a member of our chronic pain specialist team and discover the next best steps for you.

You can arrange your free telephone consultation by filling in our simple web form or giving our Bradenton clinic a call at (941) 226-2605.

Other Free Resources To Help Fibromyalgia

Download Our Free Back Pain Report Here!

Read Our Blog – Compensatory Behaviors Are Affecting Your Old Injuries!

Read Our Blog – Can Failed Surgery Be Fixed?

Follow us on social media – Manual Physical Therapy and Concierge Services Facebook Page or Manual Concierge PT Instagram

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