Headaches can strike at any time – without invite or warning – and if you’re anything like the majority of people out there, they can often affect your mood, energy levels, and general wellbeing....
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How to Relieve Stress to Manage Pain
Ever been in a foreign country and tried to order off of a long, complicated, alien looking menu? Did you use hand signals to describe the dish you wanted? Did you whip out your phone and hope...
Stress: Physical Symptoms and Solutions
Stress. Six little letters is all it takes to make a word so full of meaning that few of us really know how to get to the bottom of it. Stress: is it that feeling you get when a deadline is looming,...
How an Anti Inflammatory Diet Can Reduce Pain
The pain in your back, knees, ankles, and so forth, is your body telling you that something is very wrong with your routine. It’s time to listen. And, believe it or not, pain is not the only symptom...
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